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The secret of having a happy and healthy life for people with hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure

Hypertension and hyperlipidemia are both global common diseases, especially in adulthood. They come along with each other and can lead to many dangerous complications for your health, including atherosclerosis. The main cause of these conditions is that the blood vessels are "contaminated ".

15:26 , 10.02.2025

Most people with Hyperlipidemia and Hypertension are often unable to recognize the symptoms of the Disease. So when we find out any things abnormal happens to our health, we need to have a health checkup. For example: feeling heavy head after working for a while, feeling heavy in the nape area, impaired vision, heart beating faster than usual, or nervous, ... – those are atypical signs, and do not show any specific disease. Your body is telling you that there are some abnormalities, may be related to contaminated blood vessels.

Why do blood vessels decide 89% of your health?
4 clear signs and 7 warning signs that your blood vessels are contaminated
How to clean blood vessels safely at home?
What are the other signs that show blood vessels are contaminated except for high cholesterol?
These questions have been answered by the lifestyle consultant, Mr. Alfredo Ramos - 25 years of experience.

Alfredo Ramos is the author of numerous scientific papers, and also is a regular guest of health and lifestyle TV shows.

Alfredo Ramos knows how to explain complex processes in simple words. He has written 51 popular science books and research guides for people learning about health and lifestyle. He confirmed that the blood vessels in the body determine 89% of the health, and the health of a person depends on the purity of the blood vessels.
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Why do blood vessels decide 89% of your health?

According to Mr. Alfredo Ramos, there was information showed that blood vessels determine 89% of the health of the body. Is this information correct, and if so, why can we say that?

When we hear the question: what is the largest organ in the human body? I'm sure 90% of us do not know. Even good students can answer incorrectly. Most of the answer is brain and liver. And in the educational books, they said that it is the skin. In fact, however, the largest organ in the body is the circulatory system.

2.5 times
The total length of the blood vessels of an adult is 2.5 times the circumference of the Earth

Imagine! If we remove all the blood vessels in the human body and connect them into a long chain, the length of this chain will be about 100,000 km.
For comparison - the length of the Earth's equator is 40,000 km. It turns out that just a chain of blood vessels in a human body can circle the entire planet 2.5 times.
What do you think about the scale of the blood vessels?

Blood vessels are not just tubes that carry blood. Blood vessels connect and feed all the organs and systems of the body. Therefore, if the blood passes through an infected organ, it can carry the pathogen throughout the body.
Blood vessels are not just tubes that carry blood. Blood vessels connect and feed all the organs and systems of the body. Therefore, if the blood passes through an infected organ, it can carry the pathogen throughout the body.
Feeling pain in the feet – varicose veins, feeling painful, swollen and heavy, difficulty walking, feeling cold or sharp pain in the foot. Cracks in heel. Poor blood circulation - unable to fight bacteria, and therefore, the fungi grow. The nails are thick and long.

Clogged hepatic veins – hepatitis. Tasting bitter in the mouth. After eating fat – bitter belching.

Weakened and polluted vessels in the joints – sụn dry cartilage. Dislocated and painful joints, osteoarthritis, herniated disc appears.

Weakened anal veins – forming hemorrhoids and anus prolapse.

Eye blood vessels – vision loss, watery eyes, eye floaters. Developing cataracts. Red eyes - the symptoms we often mistake as eye fatigue, is actually microscopic hemorrhage – the breakage of the eye's smallest capillaries.

Cerebral circulation becomes difficult – if you experience dizziness, tinnitus and forgetfulness, you must have this situation. You walk into the kitchen and then do not remember why you go in there. Or when you see an object, you feel familiar but cannot remember where you saw it. That could be a sign of brain blood vessels weakening.

Among vascular diseases, we can not forget to mention high blood pressure and stroke. Nutrition is transported to organs and cells through the blood circulation, our life is also determined by these blood vessels. When blood vessels are clogged, our lives stop.
The "clogged" blood vessels lead to starvation of all organs

Take the example of being overweight, this case is closely related to the blood vessels. Cholesterol clogged blood vessels lead to the organ lack of nutrients, and they will be shrivelled, as the blood vessels cannot provide them the approriate amount of nutrients. Then, the brain sends signals reminding us to eat. And even though we eat a lot of food into the body, the nutrients cannot reach the cells or organs. The body needs calories so we have a constant need for snacks, sweets and fat.

As a result, our Lifestyle Counselor told us: "You have high blood pressure because you are overweight." They confused the cause and the outcome. It's not that high blood pressure is caused by being overweight. That being overweight is caused by high blood pressure.

There is a very famous saying, "Having good health is having everything – Having bad health is having nothing"; Vietnamese people have a saying "The house is cool if it is clean, the food is delicious if the bowl is clean".
Therefore, I always say to everyone around me: If you want to live a full and complete life, you must purify and clean your blood vessels. Clean foods are the key to eliminating 90% of chronic diseases, some of which are considered "incurable".
What other factors pollute the blood vessels besides cholesterol?
Everyone knows that cholesterol is bad. It clogs our blood vessels, narrows the flow and hinders blood circulation. But the culprit is not only itself?

6.7 kg
The total volume of impurities accumulated in the blood vessels over 45 years


Cholesterol plaques, also known as "atherosclerotic plaques", account for about 65-70% of blood vessel contamination.
According to a research, at the age of 50, there are up to 5 kg of cholesterol plaque accumulates in the blood vessels. The buildup of cholesterol narrows the vessels 4-5 times.
Imagine the normal cross section of a blood vessel is as thick as a finger, then 5kg of cholesterol plagues reduce the cross section to the size of 4 matchsticks.
The cholesterol plaques themselves are not directly life-threatening. However, its consequences such as reduced quality of life, high blood pressure, headache and joint soreness, fatigue, and the volume of blood clots that build up in our blood vessels are much more dangerous.


Blood clots accumulate much less than "cholesterol", about 800 grams - 1 kg. However, the threat lies in its instability. At any time, the blood clot can rupture and travel across the blood vessels to the organs. If the clot is quite large, it "squeezes" the victim's blood vessel. Ischemia occurs - Completely stops the blood supply to this organ nourished through this blood vessel.
Ischemic stroke - cerebral embolism. Myocardial infarction – stagnant heart arteries. Hepatic ischemia, pneumothorax, renal failure. Hemorrhoids are actually caused by anemia ischemia. The congestion of the smallest vessels on the leg eventually leads to necrosis - gangrene.


Vascular calcification is caused by the residues of chemical drugs and food additives. They accumulate in the body of a 52-year-old people by the amount of 300 - 400 grams. Most calcification occurs in brain vessels.
Calcification is dangerous because of its sharp crystal structure. With significant narrowing – vasoconstriction, the constriction of blood vessels caused by stress, exercise or weather makes sharp calcified crystals be able to break the blood vessels. The rupture of a cerebral blood vessel leads to a hemorrhagic stroke.
4 direct signs and 7 indirect signs of weakened blood vessels
What symptoms show that my blood vessels are clogged with "contamination"? How to understand that the body is calling us to "Clean the blood vessels as soon as possible!"
In fact, if you are over 45 years old and have never had body cleansing medicine, I guarantee you are having problems with your blood vessels.
45 years old
After this age, blood cleaning is necessary
Blood vessels clogged by cholesterol, blood clots, and calcification are actually the natural aging process. Of course, today's food, medicine, tobacco and alcohol accelerate the "littering" process by 5-8 times. But we are all human and cannot hide in our own world forever.
The main symptom of contaminated blood vessels
If you have been diagnosed with hypertension - this is a direct expression that your blood vessels are having problems. Your blood pressure index keeps increasing? And you have to take medicine to stabilize it? Your blood vessel’s cross-section is just 30% active. The remaining is covered densely with cholesterol plaques, blood clots and calcification.
Therefore, the smallest stresses, weather changes, environmental factors immediately affect health. The pressure increases, you start to feel the pain, the joint becomes difficult to move.
4 diseases caused by contaminated blood vessels:
7 warning signs:
Even if you don't have one of the above symptoms, you also should clean your blood vessels and body.

Most people show these symptoms individually and then they appear concurrently. However, we often try to treat each disease individually.
The only thing people do is throwing money at the pharmacy. While the original cause of all of the above diseases is circulatory disorders. Therefore, it is important that we begin to clean the blood vessels.

How to clean cholesterol, blood clots and calcification in blood vessels?
We will consider a specific case, that is Lisa from Berlin. 57 years old, married, she was diagnosed with overweight, high blood pressure and varicose veins. She responded to the weather with the same precision as a weather forecaster - she broke her joints, weakened and felt sleepy, and her head was constantly aching.
How to help Lisa? How can she clean her blood vessels without going to a Lifestyle Counselor to hear cliché advice like "You need to lose weight", "You need to play sports", "You have to diet", "This is a sign of aging", e.t.c?
Most of the products currently on the market affect only the tip of the iceberg, not the root, they can weaken the disease but will cause side effects.
That's why I fully understand Lisa's reluctance to consult a Lifestyle Counselor. But there is one safe way that Lisa can apply.
For safely cleaning of blood vessels, I would like to refer one product - HeartKeep, as safe as using herbs. And in terms of efficiency, cleaning all the blood vessels in the body is natural. From the large and thick arteries to the smallest capillaries.
Heart Keep is an oral pill with 100% natural ingredients from rare herbs. These nutrients remove cholesterol mucus from blood vessels, blood clots attached to the vessel walls, calcification - drug residues, things that are blocking the blood flow.
The headaches are gone, the tinnitus disappears. The brain is properly nourished by clean blood vessels, the memory becomes clear and accurate.
Your senses are enhanced, so you can hear pleasant sounds that you didn't notice before. Hearing has improved, so you can even hear the conversation in the next room.

Feeling new scents and colors. A stuffy, runny, and allergic nose has gone away. The breath is refreshing and light. Fresh air floods the lungs, spreading throughout the body in pleasant waves, resulting in a feeling of mild euphoria.

The flavors become fresh and pleasant. Simple dishes can also be incredibly delicious. You eat less but feel full for a long time. No more cravings for sweets and fats constantly.

The joints work together flexibly without pain anymore, your movement is smooth like adding oil to the engine, replacing dirty black liquid with clean, fresh oil, to ensure perfect friction.

Really impressive. Actually, I only know about HeartKeep for the first time, although I often hear about nutrition. In Japan and Israel, they have legally established nutritional conditions as their preferred method. And in Germany these methods are not yet believed.

Our Lisa had probably tried hundreds of different solutions, but nothing takes effect. Therefore, she promised herself that she wouldn't waste money on the magical methods on advertisements anymore.
Let me tell you a quote story about doubt.
In 1928, the first antibiotic, penicillin, was invented. It aided in the treatment of dysentery and typhus. At that time, most people died if they had these diseases.
However, most people did not believe that it worked because they were disappointed for 100 times trying to find a cure. Those who were disappointed for 100 times but were not afraid of the 101st attempt has recovered. And those who gave up said, "They will be waiting for another great solution", even though the solution was right before their eyes.
Doubts are betrayers, because we will lose what we can gain, due to the fear of trying.
Just like how Penicillin helped people overcome the disease at that time: dysentery, typhus and pneumonic plague, HeartKeep will help protect and purify blood vessels over time. It helps reduce cholesterol in your blood, enhance the strength of the blood vessel walls, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and the symptoms of high blood pressure.
Lisa also believes that suspicion is humanity's worst enemy, so that she is not afraid to try new things, thanks to which she has become healthy again.
Imagine I have HeartKeep on hand. What happens next? How does this method work? HeartKeep molecules are tiny oxygen bombs. They blow up the cholesterol plaques in your blood vessels and allow blood flow freely.
In Western Europe, HeartKeep is praised as the "Cleaning Machine". This reflects exactly its nature.
Peroxide effect (oxidizing) - accelerates the absorption of the therapeutic molecules through oxygen enrichment. That's why HeartKeep is so effective. The ingredients in the pills are easily absorbed in the esophagus. Therefore, HeartKeep does not cause heartburn, bitterness in the mouth and belching. It does not cause intestinal irritation and protects the stomach.
Rich in antioxidant properties, it is considered a superfood. This important root plant is valued for its heart-healing properties. It is abundant in blood-thinning elements, which in turn impede the formation of blockages in the arteries. The polysulphides exist in garlic also dilate blood vessels that help in maintaining blood pressure, cholesterol, and the development of plaque in the arteries.
HeartKeep contains rare medicinal extracts that work in harmony to thoroughly purify blood vessels.
Mountain Hawthorn:
This wonderful herb from the rose family is amazing as it keeps a balance to the heart. It provides nourishment to the whole body and has the wonderful ability to treat both high and low blood pressure. Its vasodilating effect improves the heart rhythm and lowers the consequences of angina. Studies indicate that this berry is excellent to treat heart failure and lowers blood fat as well.
Butterfly effect
Heart Keep is like the vibrations of a butterfly that cause a chain reaction of dramatic changes. Starting with the purification of impurities accumulated in the blood vessels for years; by each step, HeartKeep initiates a cleansing chain reaction.
Using HeartKeep, the body is like being reborn.
- HeartKeep health protection food with main effects:
- Help reduce cholesterol in blood
- Help strengthen the blood vessel walls
- Help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis
- Help reduce symptoms of hypertension
You wake up in the morning and get out of bed easily without forcing yourself to stand up, pulling and rubbing your stiff legs, or twisting your back and neck. In the morning, the body is full of energy and strength, because the blood vessels have been cleaned all over the night; all the organs are properly nourished and rested. No part of the body lacks blood supply; therefore, it increases your strength for the new day.
For breakfast, you eat a crispy sandwich with a thick layer of butter and delicious steaks without having to worry about your high blood pressure or high blood sugar. No more bitter belching and stomach pain. HeartKeep cleans the blood vessels in the stomach, helping it work effectively and substantially.
When you leave the house, you no longer have to worry about your feet - walking is no longer a burden, you can walk for at least all day without your feet getting tired and swollen. Slippers, shoes, and socks will not cut into the foot and make it swell anymore.
You are completely calm and relaxed. There is no constant pain that prevents you from concentrating on work. There are no sleepless nights, no more tiredness. Now you can enjoy your life, hear familiar sounds, smell familiar scents, see familiar colors that seem to have been forgotten long ago. You no longer feel the continuous pains that affect your consciousness and distract you from anything.
Even after a day of hard work, you come home with a delight and refreshing spirit. Your brain works like a Swiss watch, without getting tired.
And now, every time you lie in bed, you can quickly fall asleep. Gone are the days when you were lying in bed in the middle of the night, turning your pillow up side down and still unable to sleep. Now everything is so simple - you decide when to sleep and your body obediently implements your commands.
Product scarcity and offers
HeartKeep, as far as I know, no longer appears in most pharmacies? Why is that?
Unfortunately, yes, it is. Since the beginning of this year, HeartKeep is no longer sold in pharmacies.
The reason for this situation is the conflict of profits between the pharmacy chains and the manufacturer of HeartKeep. Pharmacies want to push up the price of HeartKeep by imposing additional manufacturing fees. The pharmacy representatives justified that such an additional fee would provide them with funding for keeping their business going on. They offer to sell HeartKeep for the highest price, while the manufacturer wants to bring the best price to the customer.
Therefore, the manufacturer HeartKeep has discontinued contact with all pharmacies and switched to exclusive distribution over the Internet. This enables manufacturers to contact directly with customers, optimize production and distribution costs, and provide customers with exclusive offers without having to go through an intermediary.
Promotional program "Body cleansing"
Responding to the campaign "Purifying blood vessels, protecting the health of the entire people", the promotional program has been held nationwide.
Anyone who really wants to order HeartKeep can join.
How to participate in the program?
To get HeartKeep you must meet the following conditions:
Terms and conditions for receiving HeartKeep promotion:
How long does the promotion last?
The promotion is valid until 24:00 13.02.2025, or until promotional products run out. Currently, the demand for this product is huge. No need to advertise through radio or TV, just by word of mouth, the number of products sold really surprised us. Therefore, we recommend that you order HeartKeep as soon as possible. If you really want to improve your health and change your life, then take action quickly!

The promotion is valid until 24:00, 13.02.2025 , the remaining number of offers:

24 products

Blood Vessels Purification Program
Say goodbye to high blood pressure and chronic diseases
50% discount for the first 100 customers
₱3,900 ₱1,950
For people with high fat in blood, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure
* By providing information, you agree to allow us to communicate in the following forms: calls, texts, emails for the purposes of consulting, product marketing and for market research.


Maria Garcia

My husband has had high blood pressure for a few years now. Taking medicine helps his blood pressure stable, but if he doesn't take medicine, the blood pressure increases again. I will seek for more consulting about this product

Jocelyn Reyes

Thanks to the article of Lifestyle Consultant, after reading it, I decided to buy 2 boxes right away

Teresita Ramos

I have had high blood pressure for many years now, it cost me a lot of money to get treatment, if only I knew this article earlier.

John Santos

After reading this article, I feel like I have expanded my knowledge, so I know that the source of the diseases come from the contaminated blood vessels. I will order to try this product to see what results would be.

Antonio Flores

There is a promotion at the moment, so I buy 2 boxes, my husband has high blood pressure and high fat in blood

Reynaldo Gonzales

I just ordered 2 boxes of HeartKeep, I hope I can get well soon. I am tired of taking all of those medicine every day.

Teresita Fernandez

In my village, there is an old man who is more than 90 years old, he says he regularly cleans blood vessels with herbs

Eduardo Cruz

Anyone has used this product, can you give me some opinions, I have a relative who has a disease with the blood vessels

Roberto Lopez

A friend sent me this article to read, I went from surprise to surprise. I could not believe that contaminated blood vessels are so dangerous. It’s no surprised that I hear people talking about purification of blood vessels all the time these days.

Rolando Perez

After seeing people commenting a lot, this morning I just received the product. When it take effects, I'll let everyone know.

Danilo Castillo

I see the ingredients of this product are all natural herbs such as lotus leaf extract, jiaogulan, red pine, so I was very assured to order 2 boxes right away.

Joseph Francisco

I have read many articles about blood vessels, so I find the information in this article to be absolutely correct. Everyone can follow the advice in here.

Maricel Rivera

Can any lifestyle consultant call me? 0975789946. I need to find out more about this product.

Evelyn Aquino

Thanks for this post, I will order 2 boxes of HeartKeep for me and my husband.

Ernesto Castro

Lately, I have heard a lot about HeartKeep products but I haven't bought it yet. After reading this article, I decided to buy 2 boxes.

Mario Sanchez

Taking medicine has the inconvenience that you have use them a lot, from that it often has side effects such as tiredness, you need to drink a lot of water, and you need to urinate a lot and someone tells me that you can easily get complications. I'm always looking for a solution that is safe and no side effects

Gina Torres

I often advise people to pay attention to purify the body, clean the blood vessels, but people still do not care and ignore it. Not until their disease is too bad that they rushly find a treatment. I will send this article for them to read.

Michelle de Leon

Thanks for the valuable sharing of the lifestyle consultant

Renato Domingo

Blood vessels are the source of life in the body, we need to pay more attention to it

Jerry Martinez

Can you give me some advice right away, my phone number is 0979 789 439, Son Nguyen from District 3, HCMC

Elizabeth Ramirez

This year I am over 50 years old, I have high fat in blood. Please consult me.

Marilou Morales

Thank you, the lifestyle consultant for sharing. I will order this product to see how it works



By providing information, you agree to allow us to communicate in the following forms: calls, texts, emails for the purposes of consulting, product marketing and market research.